Matías Novoa A.

Matías Novoa A.

Bachelor of Laws, Faculty of the University of Chile. Professional law degree (1980). Diploma in Negotiation and Mediation from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2005). He has extensive experience in corporate, commercial, real estate, urban planning, engineering and construction and labor law.
He worked as a lawyer for Banco Hipotecario de Chile, becoming head lawyer of the real estate area of such bank. Subsequently, and due to the liquidation of this bank, together with others, he became head lawyer of the liquidation process. In 1987 he joined the Legal Service of the Empresa Nacional del Petróleo, participating in the development of new investment projects, such as the Trans-Andean Oil Pipeline, Trans-Andean Gas Pipeline, etc.

Partner of Novoa y Araya Abogados.